President Rodrigo Duterte may panibagong atake sa mga turo ng simbahan! 12 apostol ni Hesus, pinuntirya!

Amidst the left and right criticism against his recent attack on the Catholic Church and its teachings, President Rodrigo Duterte once again lambasted one of the teachings in the Holy Bible.
This time, President Duterte questioned the characters in the famous “Last Supper” wherein Jesus is seated with his 12 Apostles.
“And even itong Last Supper who are the idiots there? Basta na lang ginawang santo kasi nandun sila sa painting. San Isidro, San Pablo, St. Jude, Santo Rodrigo kung sino na lang,”Duterte said on Monday, before the newly-elected barangay chairpersons in Northern Mindanao in Cagayan de Oro City.
“Why do you bind with me something very stupid. Binigyan ako ng Diyos ng isip,” he added.
The Last Supper is part of the bible where Jesus had his last dinner with his 12 apostles on the eve of his crucifixion and death. During the said event, Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, and act which is normally re-enacted during Holy Thursday mass.
During the same speech, Duterte also explained that everyone is entitled to their own freedom to believe in God or not, but for his part, he said that he believes in a “universal being”.
Duterte’s new attack against the Catholic Church came few days after he controversially called God “stupid” and questioned the story of creation taught in the bible which eventually led to people believing they have original sin.
Source: GMA
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